tapping screws

TS-04-G | screw

screw, 4,5x45mm, 12pcs, oval countersunk, tapping, for neck mount, gold

TS-05-C | screw

screw, 3,5x25mm, 12pcs, flat countersunk, tapping, chrome

TS-05-B | screw

screw, 3,5x25mm, 12pcs, flat countersunk, tapping, black

TS-05-G | screw

screw, 3,5x25mm, 12pcs, flat countersunk, tapping, gold

TS-14-N | screw

screw, 2,2x6,5mm, 12pcs, dome head, tapping, for trussrod cover and tuners short, nickel

TS-14-B | screw

screw, 2,2x6,5mm, 12pcs, dome head, tapping, for trussrod cover and tuners short, black

TS-14-M | screw

screw, 2,2x6,5mm, 12pcs, dome head, tapping, for trussrod cover and tuners short, brass

TS-15-N | screw

screw, 2,2x9,5mm, 12pcs, dome head, tapping, for tuners, nickel

TS-15-B | screw

screw, 2,2x9,5mm, 12pcs, dome head, tapping, for tuners, black

TS-15-M | screw

screw, 2,2x9,5mm, 12pcs, dome head, tapping, for tuners, brass

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